Socially Engaged Design Workshops
I design and facilitate learning experiences around considering sociocultural contexts and stakeholder relationships in design processes.
Resource Hub to Support Mentors and Houseless Youth
Through the Social Impact Lab, I led a multidisciplinary team to design a prototype of a Resource Hub to support Portland’s New Avenues for Youth (NAFY) and their mission to prevent youth houselessness and provide resources and skills for youth to lead healthy, productive lives.
Entering, Engaging, and Exiting Communities Workshops
I taught and facilitated workshops with the UM Ginsberg Center to prepare students and staff for equitable engagement with community partners across different departments, programs, courses, and initiatives.
Innovation Salon
I designed and facilitated a creative full-day workshop to foster collaboration between university researchers and utility professionals in Michigan’s drinking water industry and help find opportunities for innovation.
Collaboration in Michigan’s Drinking Water Sector
I led the design research for a 12-week deep dive into understanding how to improve collaboration between diverse stakeholders in Michigan’s drinking water industry.
Ann Arbor District Library Workshop Series
I co-designed and facilitated a 2-part community workshop series with the Ann Arbor District Library to teach ideation and prototyping to 35 local families.
Informal E-Waste Recycling Health Intervention
Over 3 years, I worked with an international team of professors and students in public health and economics to understand the health effects of informal electronic waste (e-waste) recycling in rural Thailand.
Adjustable Pediatric Prosthetic Socket
I led the research and development of a user-friendly, adjustable pediatric prosthetic socket for lower-limb amputees to provide more options for prosthesis comfort.